A year of learning
It was around this time last year when I decided that I'd had enough of struggling through Associated Content. I'd been writing for them for about a year at that time and was making mere change. In that year, I'd gotten 56,000 page views. That's an average of 153 page views a day.
Today I have over 357,000. A huge leap, right? That's an average of roughly 825 views a day. So what made the difference?
I stuck with it and I continued to learn. It wasn't like I read a bunch of articles on SEO and suddenly my page views went up, it was a combination of listening to the advice of more experienced writers, reading material on the subject, and simply learning by doing. When you're just reading about SEO, page views, and all that jazz, the topic seems so daunting and frustrating to the inexperienced content writer. I, personally, learn better by just doing.
One main thing I learned, though, is that different tactics and methods work for different people. Some people find their best income is earned through upfront payment, others through page views only. Some people do well by on hitting on a lot trending topics, others by evergreen content, some by writing on a variety of topics, others by cornering a niche. It all depends on your style, what you enjoy writing, and a basic grasp of what content writing is about.
There is no one formula for success. Every person, every goal, every factor is different. You need to find what works for you. One proven way to fail is by giving up on it before you've allowed yourself enough time to get a feel for it. If you're impatient with it and expect to be making a descent chunk of change after only a few months, you're going to be disappointed.
My Goals for the Year
I'm not making any yearly goals, just short term. I'm going to continue to write, continue to work, and continue to learn. Happy New Year!